Monday, February 14, 2011

Alan Watts 1915-1973 ~ Thievery Corporation (Rob Garza & Eric Hilton) ...Beautiful Drug

For the love that express itself in creative action is something much
More than an emotion. It is not something which you can feel and know,
Remember and define. Love is the organizing and unifying principle
Which makes the world a universe and
The disintegrated mass a community.
It is the very essence and character of mind, and becomes
Manifest in action when the mind is whole. For the mind must be
Interested or absorbed in something, just as a mirror must always
Be reflecting something. When it is not trying to be interested in
Itself - as if a mirror would reflect itself - it must be interested,
Or absorbed in other people and things. There is no problem of how to love.
We love. We are love, whether it is to go straight out like sunlight, or
Try to turn back on itself like a "candle under a bushel". Released from
The circle of attempted self-love, the mind of man draws the whole
Universe into its own unity as a single dewdrop seems to contain the entire sky.